Friday, October 10, 2008

Blog On!

Alright ladies, LET'S COOK!

To post a recipe you need to email me at Then I can invite you as an author to the blog. This way you can log onto this blog using your own user name and password.
Also, it will make it so that when you post a recipe it will say that it is from you and not me!

Also, when you are posting a recipe label it so that we can organize our blog. You do this on the "post" page. There is a space to label on the bottom. An example of the label would have something to do with your recipe e.g. chicken, dessert, pasta.

I am excited to get new yummy recipes, so post to your hearts content!

Hi, girls - this is Tina. I also think that we should put our names in the title of the recipe so that we know who they came from. Thanks!


Jenny said...

wow Jen, you weren't just kidding on getting this going. I'm excited to get some new recipies. Thanks for getting it up and running!

McKell said...

Count me in. Thanks for starting this.

Stacy said...

Good job Jen your awesome:)
Tina put the spice cake on here PLEASE